Shoe fit training course

Whether a company undertakes shoe fitting trials in-house, uses SATRA’s Fitting Service or relies on their suppliers to check fit, it is crucial that everyone involved in getting footwear to market has a good understanding of the importance of fit. Good fit sells shoes and builds brand loyalty. Training is vital – all those involved in product development and footwear retailing should have a sound understanding of the foot and the fitting properties of different types of footwear.

SATRA training delivers thorough, effective and practical instruction, providing personnel with the knowledge, and introduces the skills, needed to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. In the Shoe fit training course the basics of foot anatomy and gait are explained; participants practice how to measure feet and gain experience in the practical methodology of fit assessment. The course is interactive and participants are welcome to bring specific examples of the products that they work with day to day to discuss. The aim of SATRA training is to ensure everyone works to high defined standards.

The participants will gain confidence in knowing how to conduct a thorough fit assessment and in how to interpret their findings. This in turn will lead to more accurate and consistent footwear fitting and size marking, helping to maximise footwear sales and build brand loyalty in their customers.