SATRA STM 465 Whole sole flexing machine

This is used to determine the resistance of materials to cut growth during repeated flexing. It is especially applicable to outsoles of protective footwear.

The machine has three workstations presented horizontally for operator ease. Loading, unloading and measurements are also much easier to carry out with the workstations presented in this manner.

Samples are set at 140 flexes per minute and the number is recorded on a counter which has the facility to pre-set the number of flexes required.

A jig, STD 465J, is available and is used to locate the chisel STD 465C and support the test while the initial chisel cuts are made. All moving parts requiring access are protected by a fully interlocked safety guard, ensuring the machine conforms to the latest safety regulations. A manual device to measure the stiffness of outsole may be required to see if outsole must be flexed in accordance with EN ISO 20344.

SATRA also provide a version of this machine for testing at low temperatures (STM465F) allowing tests to be conducted down to -20°C.