SATRASumm: Feasibility Study

Our SATRASumm feasibility study is designed to show you that what we say is true before you commit to the SATRASumm package. The feasibility study takes a week at the customer’s site and, after the study, we rarely find anyone who does not then invest in SATRASumm.

Included in the study:

  1. An initial general demonstration of the SATRASumm software and an explanation of what will happen during the feasibility study.
  2. The identification of up to six of your most popular styles, including gathering the sample size patterns for all the components in these styles and identifying all the materials required for these styles.
  3. An assessment of the identified materials in the leather store using SATRA’s five-point grading system, which is demonstrated at this point.
  4. The use of the SATRASumm software to enter the material details and all the patterns (using either a digitiser or a CAD link) for the study styles. SATRASumm’s automatic interlocking routines assess the patterns.
  5. Building up of SATRASumm parts and styles. (A part is a collection of all the components in a style which are cut from the same material and a style is a collection of all the parts which make up the physical style.)
  6. Production of material allowances for the parts/styles, which are then compared with your existing figures.
  7. Production of SATRASumm cutting tickets. These will be test cut by one of your own cutters under instruction from us. This cutter will, therefore, receive some basic SATRA cutter training.
  8. A comparison of SATRASumm cutting results with your previous usage figures for these styles. It is very important that you keep an accurate record of sizes cut and amount of material used in normal production prior to the feasibility study.
  9. Verbal presentation of initial conclusions from the week at the end of the study.
  10. A full written feasibility study report detailing all our findings. This report will include a financial forecast of the savings you could make should SATRASumm be installed in your factory.

Is there a charge for a feasibility study?

SATRA does charge for a feasibility study. However, once you are convinced that SATRASumm will save you money, if you invest in the system, the cost of the feasibility study is deducted from the price of your SATRASumm order.