Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use VisionStitch?

Any manufacturer that uses machine stitching can benefit from VisionStitch’s unique combination of software and manufacturing training. Current users include footwear, clothing, furniture, bag, belt and parachute manufacturers. Any stitching can be recorded and analysed with VisionStitch.

Do you need to have a computer on every sewing machine?

No. VisionStitch is installed on a computer which is moved between individual sewing machines. The computer is mounted on a trolley allowing it to be easily wheeled around the factory. Small factories often buy just one VisionStitch, while larger factories may buy several.

How does VisionStitch record the sewing machine?

We simply attach striped tape to the handwheel of the sewing machine. A digital optical sensor reads the tape and passes information to the VisionStitch software.

Can VisionStitch fit onto any sewing machine?

The system is designed to be universal and to fit quickly and easily on any machine. It can be installed on all types of machine — from flat to post — and works with any motor, including the old clutch type and the latest electronic motors. The latest release of the VisionStitch system can also record Automatic/computer stitching machines.

How is VisionStitch installed into the factory?

SATRA’s instructors visit your factory to install the system and train a small team of people.

Who needs to be trained to use the system?

We recommend that the factory assembles a small team for the training. Suggested people for the team include a stitching instructor, a mechanic, a time study/costing engineer, a supervisor and a quality inspector. We teach the team to understand stitching, so they can make improvements themselves. These are the important people who will make the system work.

What equipment does the factory supply and what comes with the system?

The factory needs to supply a computer, either desktop or a laptop. SATRA will supply all the equipment and software needed to run VisionStitch. We supply the interface box to the computer, keypad, optical sensor, foot pedal, VisionStitch software, paper stitching exercises and striped tapes to attach to the machines’ handwheels. For automatics/computer stitching machines a different method is used.

What support is offered?

The VisionStitch software is a visual system, making analysis very straightforward. Images of the screens can be emailed to SATRA and machine problems or changes can be examined using digital photographs.

Is VisionStitch just about making the stitching operators work harder and faster?

VisionStitch is designed to help operators stitch correctly. Once the operator and machine are working properly, he or she will stitch less erratically and produce more work of better quality in a shorter time with less effort.

I am interested in VisionStitch, what is the next step?

If you are interested in VisionStitch, we can arrange for a demonstration. Our consultant will visit your factory and demonstrate how SATRA VisionStitch works and what kind of benefits can be achieved with your machines and type of production.