Date(s) - 12/10
12:00 am
Thursday 10th December 2020
08:00 GMT / 16:00 China
Earlier this year, the updated requirements standard for all protective gloves, EN ISO 21420 was published. This webinar is led by Lorna Harding, a technologist in SATRA’s chemistry team, and explains the contents of EN ISO 21420 and will focus on the key changes from EN 420.
今年早些时候,所有防护手套的标准更新要求–EN ISO 21420已经被公布。 这个网络研讨会由SATRA化学团队的技术专家Lorna Harding主导,解释了EN ISO 21420的内容,并将重点讨论EN420的关键变化。
After the presentation there will be an opportunity for questions and answers with Lorna and Tara Holly – a certification assessor in SATRA’s certification team.
演讲结束后,将会有与Lorna 以及Tara Holly提问和回答的机会,Tara Holly是SATRA认证团队的审核官。
To register your interest for this webinar, please click here:
Thursday 10th December 08:00 GMT / 16:00 China
Location: online only
Price: Free for members.
Free for non-members.
Email: Anthony Mak
Phone: +44 (0) 1536 410000
Sector: PPE