Environmental Policy

Statement of intent

SATRA Ltd and its UK subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to collectively as SATRA) are committed to the effective management of environmental impacts and any environmental impacts SATRA creates as seriously as the organisation’s other aims and objectives. Through effective planning, organising, control, monitoring and review, SATRA will ensure that environmental management is and remains effective at all levels.

SATRA fully accepts its statutory responsibilities as detailed in the Environmental Protection Act 1990. SATRA will adhere to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and all relevant EU/UK legislation to ensure that an acceptable environmental standard is achieved throughout SATRA.

This policy sets out the guiding principles which SATRA will apply towards protecting the environment.

SATRA aims to:

  • comply with all relevant UK / EU Environmental legislation and other requirements to which the company subscribes
  • prevent pollution wherever possible and reduce the environmental impacts of the company’s activities to the lowest practicable level
  • encourage efficient management of energy and raw materials usage by reducing consumption, avoiding waste and introducing recycling / reusing of materials, wherever practicable to do so
  • continually improve the environmental performance of the company by setting environmental objectives and targets as discussed and in quarterly management review meetings
  • be a good neighbour and maintain open relationships with regulatory authorities and the local community
  • communicate this policy, environmental awareness and responsibilities to all its company employees through appropriate training programmes and make this policy freely available to all interested parties / stakeholders
  • where possible, SATRA will continue to encourage its membership to adopt environmentally friendly policies and procedures.

SATRA will review this policy, to ensure its relevance to its operational activities, at suitable intervals.

Signed: Austin Simmons
Chief Executive

Date: 3rd September 2015