EN ISO 11201:2010 Acoustics

Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane with negligible environmental corrections

This test allows the measurement of the sound pressure emission levels from a machine or device at a workstation or other specified position. Measurements of overall emission sound pressure level and peak emission sound pressure level are made.

Results can be obtained as either A-weighted or C-weighted overall levels, or emission levels in frequency bands can be calculated, peak levels will always be determined as a C-weighted level. We are also able to offer testing at either precision grade (Grade 1) or engineering grade (Grade 2) accuracy. Negligible environmental corrections are applied to measurements following this standard.

The test is suitable for all types of noise emission (steady, non-steady, fluctuating and impulsive).