EN 16523-1
Determination of resistance to permeation by liquid chemicals
This specifies a test procedure to determine the resistance of protective glove materials to permeation by potentially hazardous non-gaseous chemicals under the conditions of continuous contact. Permeation is the process by which a chemical moves through a protective glove material on a molecular level. Gloves are classified according to the breakthrough time of the chemical through the glove material.
A sample of the glove material is placed in contact with a challenge chemical and the rate at which this chemical travels through (permeates) the material is determined. The breakthrough time is the time at which this permeation rate exceeds 1µg/cm2/min. The samples are assigned performance levels depending on this breakthrough time. In order to be certified as chemically protective, the gloves must achieve one of three specified levels of protection defined in terms of breakthrough time and number of chemicals tested.
For more information see the Spotlight article EN 16523-1 chemical permeation testing of gloves.