SATRA STM 463 Digital lastometer

The two-dimensional stretch of footwear materials can be tested faster and more accurately using SATRA’s digital lastometer.

Specimens cut from the material are placed in the machine in accordance with the instructions and the results are displayed on the machine LCD panel and also on the print provided at the end of the test. Designed to measure the tendency of an upper material to crack or burst during the lasting process, this lastometer incorporates a series of features not available on other models and is ideal for multiple tests carried out in today’s modern laboratory:

An electronic menu-driven system displaying continuously updating test information on an LCD panel

Load and distension data may be downloaded via a USB output

Tests several samples and calculates an average load, distension and standard deviation

.The digital lastometer can be set to provide load results in kilogrammes or newtons while distension is displayed in millimetres. An optional graph of the test is also available. STM 463 allows multiple testing of batches of 3, 4, 6, 8 or 10 samples or single test pieces.