EN 15613: 2008

Knee & Elbow Protectors for Indoor Sports

This standard assesses the protectors for a range of protective properties such as impact and restraint as well as taking into consideration the comfort and fit elements of the products.

Impact Test

The magnitude of the force transmitted through the full thickness of the protector is recorded during a controlled impact. The lower the transmitted force, the greater the protection afforded. The standard caters for two levels of protection:

  • Class A: Users of up to 50kg body mass
  • Class B: Users of body mass above 50kg.

Comfort & Fit

Other requirements of the standard relate to the size of the impact protective area of the guards, ensuring that these are of sufficient dimensions to cover the parts of the body requiring protection.

In addition, a restraint test makes sure that the protectors remain in place during use, and there is also an assessment which checks that the product does not contain any rough, hard or sharp edges that may cause discomfort or injury to the wearer or others during normal use.

Necessary design requirements include a minimum width for any straps designed to hold the protector in place and an ergonomic procedure to assess any restrictions to movement or discomfort.


The standard also includes requirements for the product labelling or marking and the information which suppliers and manufacturers should provide to wearers of their products to ensure that products are correctly used and users are fully aware of the level of protection that is being offered.

CE Mark & Chemical Testing

In Europe, indoor sports protectors need to be CE marked and as part of the EC type examination process, assessment of the chemical properties of the materials used in the end products is also required. These materials are tested in accordance with the additional innocuousness requirements specified in EN ISO 13688: 2013 and include pH value, colour fastness to perspiration, chromium VI, azo colorants, nickel content, and PCPs.