EN 13595-1: 2002
Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders - Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits
EN 13595 covers jackets and trousers, as well as one- and two-piece suits designed for professional motorcycle riders, and includes a wide variety of tests intended to assess the protection and integrity of the clothing ensemble. It has been formatted into four parts.
Part 1 includes the requirements and examination procedures of the clothing, while parts 2 to 4 describe laboratory testing procedures for three of the specialised tests – ‘impact abrasion’, ‘seam burst strength’ and ‘impact cut’.
Following the publication of the EN 17092 series, EN 13595 parts 1 to 4 are due to be withdrawn by March 2023 at the latest. However, as parts 1 and 3 will remain active as test method references, as they are called up in other standards. After the EN 13595 standard has been withdrawn, no product can be certified against it.

Part 2: Impact Abrasion
Part 3: Seam Burst Strength
Part 4: Impact cut
A test specimen taken from the clothing is mounted over a block containing a rectangular hole. A striker of fixed mass with a sharp blade fitted to its lower surface is dropped with a defined energy level, so that the blade impacts the test material directly above the rectangular hole. The maximum penetration of the blade through the material is measured. Following the publication of the EN 17092 series (March 2020), EN 13595-4:2002 for cut resistance is due to be withdrawn by March 2023 at the latest. This standard will remain referenced within EN 13634:2017.