EN 1498: 2006

Rescue loops

A rescue loop is a body holding device that is used in part of a rescue system to keep the user in a defined position, where it is not possible to use a conventional rescue harness (Class A – Loop passed under the arms, Class B – Loop keeping rescue in sitting position, Class C – Loop fastened around ankles).

Dynamic Performance

Rescue loops are subjected to a drop test to generate a shock load on the product. A lesser force is applied to a rescue loop compared with fall arrest equipment as the possibility of a period of free-fall is significantly less in use. Rescue loops are subjected to a 1 metre drop using the maximum rated load dummy/test mass and they are required to safely arrest the fall following the drop. A repeated drop test is carried out again within 15 minutes on the same rescue loop.

Static Strength

Rescue loops are subjected to a force of 10 times the maximum rated load but at least a minimum of 15kN for 3 minutes. The rescue loop is required to hold the load without failure of any component part.

Corrosion Resistance

Metallic components used in fall protection equipment are subjected to a neutral salt-spray test intended to prove a minimum resistance to environmental corrosion (specifically rust). Products are held within a sealed chamber, which is filled with a salt-water mist, which can induce rust in unprotected metals. Products are subjected to 48 hours exposure and examined for rusting and function afterward.