ANSI/ASSE Z359.13–2013

Personal Energy Absorbers and Energy

Absorbing Lanyards

This standard establishes the requirements for the performance, design criteria, marking, qualification and verification testing and instructions of personal energy absorbers and energy absorbing lanyards within the capacity range of 130 to 310 pounds (59–140kg). There are two classifications:

1. 6ft FF personal energy absorbers shall be designed for up to 6 foot (1.83m) free fall

2. 12ft FF personal energy absorbers shall be designed for up to 12 foot (3.66m) free fall

All new items of equipment to the market are required to undergo Qualification testing which requires each test to be carried out 3 times. Following approval, Verification testing is required every 2-5 years, based on the manufacturers quality system and involves carrying one full set of tests.

Activation Force

All personal energy absorbers, whether individual or integrated into a lanyard, are required to be subjected to a force of 450 pounds (2kN) for 3 minutes. Following this test, the activation or permanent elongation of the device shall not be greater than 2 inches (51mm).

Static Strength

All personal energy absorbers and personal energy absorbing lanyards are required to withstand a force of 5,000 pounds (22.2kN) for 1 minute without failure of the device. Also, any energy absorbing lanyard that includes length adjustment device shall maintain its adjusted length at a load of 2,000 pounds (8.8kN). If an energy absorbing lanyard is designed to be used in wrap-around mode, then in this mode it shall also hold a load of 5,000 pounds (22.2kN) as received and 3,600 pounds (16kN) following abrasion conditioning. Y-Lanyards shall be tested to 5,000 pounds (22kN) in each configuration possible between 2 legs.

Dynamic Performance

Energy absorbers and energy absorbing lanyards are required to have a dynamic test by dropping a 128kg test mass with a free fall height based on the classification (6ft or 12ft) as applicable. This test is done after ambient, wet, cold and hot conditioning and requires that the test mass be held, as well as meeting the appropriate requirements for peak arrest force, average arrest force and arrest distance.

There are also additional dynamic tests required for Y-lanyards which involve attaching both lanyard legs to the anchorage point during the dynamic test and a hip connection dynamic test, to ensure that when using a lanyard keeper on a harness that the device still performs.