BS 6183-4: 2001

Protective equipment for cricketers. Gloves for batsmen

EN 13546: 2002 + A1: 2007

Protective clothing. Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, foot and genital protectors for field hockey goal keepers and shin protectors for field players. Requirements and test methods.

Two specialist standards for gloves used while playing sports. BS 6183-4 covers cricket batsmen and EN 13546 covers field hockey goal keepers gloves. Both standards include test to assesses impact performance, protective coverage area and general design requirements.

Impact Performance

Impact performance is assessed by measuring the force transmitted through the glove during a controlled impact. The inner surface of the glove sample is placed over an instrumented anvil and the output of a force transducer is monitored during an impact with a predefined striker and impact energy. The higher the force measured the lower the protection afforded. The standards also include requirements for protective coverage area and restraint to ensure that the glove remains in place during use.

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