EN 1082 Parts 1 to 3: 1997 to 2000

Protective clothing. Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives

A European Standard originally intended for gloves to be used in the meat processing industry and worn by staff carrying out tasks such as cutting flesh from a carcass. These glove products are traditionally made from metal chainmail due to the high cut resistance and ability to be regularly steam sterilized without significant degradation. Hence, the testing and requirements in the original EN 1082 standard are geared specifically for chainmail products. However, since its original publication, two further parts have been added to EN 1082 to cover testing of gloves that are made from other materials such as fabrics and leathers.


Main Testing Procedures

Key tests in this standard involve dimensional assessments including a test to ensure that probes of defined sizes will not penetrate the glove, an impact cut test to assess the strength and cut resistance of the chainmail and a tensile strength test on the rings that make up the chainmail structure.