SATRA Leather Grading Accreditation for Tanneries and Factories
SATRA’s Leather Grading Accreditation is an essential tool to ensure quality is maintained in any company using leather in its production process. Leather grading is also beneficial to tanneries and other leather suppliers to ensure the product is suitable for its intended use.
SATRA’s leather grading assessment package is engineered to not only improve user and supplier relationships but also identify the usability of the leather.
SATRA auditors will examine various stages within the premises, including: incoming inspection; storage; physical conditions in the grading area; space; layout; lighting; access and equipment maintenance.
SATRA can offer an audit visit on an annual basis to check employee understanding of the grading system. We can also check that appropriate management procedures are in place. Successful personnel receive certificates of competence. Companies that achieve a required standard of competence in leather grading can apply for SATRA registration. The company is then added to the SATRA register of companies that have gained this recognition.
This is a service that is exclusive to SATRA members. Click here to find out more about the benefits of SATRA membership.
For further information, please contact us using the Contact menu at the top of this page.