Consumer Products
Restricted Substances List

Legislation on restricted chemicals can be particularly complex and difficult to relate to specific consumer products. In order to provide collated information on restricted substances to members, SATRA publishes a free Consumer Products Restricted Substances List.

This document is an easy-to-follow summary of the most relevant chemicals that are pertinent to the consumer products and it indicates the material types where these chemicals might be present. The list collates requirements from worldwide legislation such as REACH (European Regulation (EC) 1907/2006) Annex XVII and the United States’ Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).

Every issue of SATRA’s consumer products RSL is developed by our chemical testing group to prioritise the critical substances that should form part of brands’ and retailers’ restricted substances policies.

These policies can be a key tool to disseminate this information along the supply chain, and may be used to educate suppliers as to the importance of meeting these requirements.

Chemical testing and consultancy at SATRA

SATRA’s ISO 17025 accredited chemical testing laboratory routinely tests components and finished consumer products for the presence of restricted substances.