VisionStitch software
The VisionStitch software allows live monitoring of stitching operations and provides a full and accurate analysis of the work.
The system produces real-time speed traces allowing users to see how they are stitching. It presents the information in a simple, visual way which clearly shows the impact of changes such as machine speed and workstation ergonomics. Such changes replace erratic stitching with smooth, steady and accurate work leading to overall improvements in productivity. The increase in quality this approach brings will be evident in the finished product.
VisionStitch can analyse traces for batches of work, showing averages for a batch and making improvements easy to quantify.

Machine Diagnostics & Training
A machine diagnostics function helps to ensure that all machines are correctly configured and working properly.
The training sections of VisionStitch provide instructors with everything needed to organise and monitor the stitching operator training school. The progress of trainees can be easily analysed and reviewed.

Aptitude Tests
A suite of aptitude tests is included within VisionStitch to help with the selection of new operators. The tests are designed to help you quickly find out whether potential new recruits are able to listen and understand instructions and to test their hand, foot and eye coordination. They provide a good indication of whether someone has the potential to be a sewing machine operator.
The progress of trainees can be easily analysed and reviewed.

SATRA VisionStitch is licensed to the user. We include support via telephone and email, subject to an annual customer care contract. All software releases within the same version number are free, and licensed users are encouraged to make requests for new features which may be incorporated into future releases. This software is continually evolving in line with customer needs, and an upgrade path from the previous version is always available.
The progress of trainees can be easily analysed and reviewed.