Typical Workflow
From material delivery to cutting analysis, the SATRASumm workflow is a very simple process irrespective of whether you cut leather or synthetics.
1: Leather Assessment
The process starts with the assessment of any leather you wish to use. In order for SATRASumm to deliver accurate material allowances, it is important to begin with accurate grading results.
We train your assessors how to do this with our Leather Grading Training.

2: Creating Materials
Information about all your leather and synthetic materials is entered into the materials database.

3: Creating Knives
The next step is to enter details for all your knives. Knives can be imported from a CAD system or digitised. Once you have the shapes of the knives, those that are to be used with leather are assessed to calculate the interlock area. This information is used to calculate material allowances.

4: Creating Parts, Constructions and Styles
A SATRASumm part is a collection of knives that are cut from the same material. A style is made from a collection of parts. We also allow you to specify more than one construction method. This enables you to create allowances — SATRASumm’s predictions of how much material you will need to make your products.

5: Synthetic Layplanning
Layplans are created for parts with synthetic materials. These give extremely accurate allowances, detailing exactly how much material is required. You can print the layplans to show your cutters how to cut the job in order to meet the allowances.
Click here for more information on synthetic layplanning.

6: Creating Cutting Tickets
You can now create cutting tickets for the styles to be cut. You must enter the number of pairs required for each size. Simply press the ‘create’ button and SATRASumm generates your tickets.

7: Printing Cutting Tickets
The cutting tickets are printed and sent to the cutter.
Translations for the standard text on the tickets can be entered into the system, so all printed cutting tickets are in the local language.

8: Cutting
The cutting tickets give the cutter full details of the job, including the number of pairs to cut for each size, how much material SATRASumm has allowed and which knives/material to use. Cutting is a skilled job, so SATRA trains the cutters to meet the allowances using our Leather Cutter Training.

9: Recording and Analysis
Your cutters write the material actually used on the cutting ticket. These tickets are sent back to the office and the details are recorded and analysed. Reports detailing material usage by cutter, by material and by part are available. These allow you find out where further savings can be made. Perhaps certain cutters are not meeting the allowances or certain parts are proving difficult to cut.

9: Recording and Analysis
Your cutters write the material actually used on the cutting ticket. These tickets are sent back to the office and the details are recorded and analysed. Reports detailing material usage by cutter, by material and by part are available. These allow you find out where further savings can be made. Perhaps certain cutters are not meeting the allowances or certain parts are proving difficult to cut.