Synthetic Layplans
SATRASumm’s newest innovative feature is the ability to automatically create accurate synthetic layplans.
You choose the knife, its initial orientation, any acceptable angle of rotation and the dimensions of the roll or sheet, then leave SATRASumm to calculate hundreds of possible layplans to find the best. The software returns a selection of results suitable for cutters of differing abilities. All you have to do is select which one is best for you. SATRASumm will even choose one for you if you wish.
Synthetic layplanning in SATRASumm aims to give you the most efficient layplan possible, automatically, and with no input from the user other than the simple rules you decide to use.

The software will present you with a choice of the best available layplans chosen from hundreds of automatically generated permutations.
Here, layplan A yields 0.5% more than layplan B. However, B may be selected as it significantly easier and faster to cut manually.
A half piece is useless so we won’t suggest you cut it. This is clearly a case where two halves do not make a whole. All our layplans are individually designed for you from your knife and material details.

We rank suggested layplans based on how difficult they are to cut. If you have inexperienced cutters, just tell the system you only want easy to cut layplans and that is what you will get.

There are no initial manual interlocks required. SATRASumm’s layplans are fully automatic and take into account:
- Cut gaps for multi-layer cutting
- Selvedge allowance for irregular edges
- Directionality of knife to ensure costing for correct cutting — for example tight-to-toe.
Choose the material settings and the knife orientation and leave SATRASumm to do the rest.

The system finds the best way of interlocking the particular knife shape for the given size of material. Rather than providing just one way of interlocking, it will always find the best. You can rotate the knife where directionality is not totally fixed, and where permitted, an automatic 180 degree knife rotation is tried. Rotation can lead to improved utilisation.
Real layplans provide real, accurate allowances.

We can prove the SATRASumm synthetic allowances and provide you with a printable layplan showing the cutter exactly how to cut.

Layplanning also offers a rapid means to test the efficiency of pattern design.
Here, a minor change to the pattern design, allowing a deeper interlock, would increase utilisation from 66.4% to 73.2%.

If you want a closer look, zoom in to see how the patterns fit together. Highlight the cut gaps if you want to check your multi-layer cutting.

We are able to investigate so many possibilities that sometimes it takes a little time to calculate everything, so the system includes bulk layplanning. You select the complexity of layplans appropriate for your needs and leave them calculating in your downtime. Start the process off and go home, safe in the knowledge that your layplans will be ready and waiting for you in the morning.
SATRASumm can automatically select the top choice for you, or allow you to quickly analyse the suggested results and pick the one you prefer.