Follow-up training for SATRA TimeLine
Follow-up training takes place a few weeks later after users have had time to get to know and use the system. At this time, the SATRA TimeLine expert will be able to find out how well you are using SATRA TimeLine, go over any areas where you have questions and provide additional support where needed.
Once users have consolidated their understanding of how to use SATRA TimeLine to create operation times and labour costings, the follow-up training focuses on how to implement this data in the production process.
SATRA TimeLine offers a sophisticated line-balancing module which allows the users to predict the likely output for specific styles of shoe, based on the actual manufacturing conditions. Once an acceptable prediction has been created, this can be tested by simulating the workflow on your computer screen. This will identify potential bottlenecks and labour or equipment shortages. The user can experiment with a variety of ‘what if’ scenarios to create the optimal line balance and level of productivity.
In many cases the solution to a bottleneck or limitation on productivity is counter intuitive. The rapid response from SATRA TimeLine allows the user to quickly evaluate suggested changes to the working methods, organisation, changes in personnel or product redesign.
At the end of this training, users will be fully equipped with the knowledge and expertise to make full use of all the options and functionality within SATRA TimeLine.