Webinars and Online Resources

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus restrictions, SATRA will be hosting free webinars on various topics over the coming weeks, and have put together a collection of resources that are available anytime.

SATRA members have additional content available, including full webinars on demand. Click here to learn about the full range of member benefits. SATRA webinars will continue weekly for members.

Upcoming Webinars

Webinar – REACH (part 2) Restricted Substances

Webinar – REACH (part 2) Restricted Substances Tuesday 17th November 2020 10.00 GMT Annex XVII…

Webinar – Introducing the UK Conformity Assessed Mark (UKCA) Chinese Translation

Webinar – Introducing the UK Conformity Assessed Mark (UKCA) Chinese Translation Thursday 19th November 2020…

Webinar – REACH (part 3) SVHC

Webinar – REACH (part 3) SVHC Tuesday 24th November 2020 10.00 GMT Once a substance…

Webinar – Acoustic Testing of PPE Products

Webinar – Acoustic Testing of PPE Products Thursday 26th November 2020 10.00 GMT Simon Courtney…

Webinar – Under Foot Comfort

Webinar – Under Foot Comfort Thursday 17th December 2020   This event is available to…

SATRA webinars will continue weekly for members.

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