Webinar - Introducing the UK Conformity Assessed Mark (UKCA) Chinese Translation

Thursday 19th November 2020

08.00 GMT / 16.00 China

Starting from 1st January 2021 onwards the UK will adopt its own PPE legislation. The UK legislation will involve the use of a new ‘United Kingdom Conformity Assessment’ (UKCA) mark, which will need to be placed on products as a means of showing conformance with applicable UK legislation.


Simon Courtney and Ting Huang (with Chinese translation) will explain the changes that will come into force on the 1st January 2021 as we understand them and will discuss the implications across supply chains.

Simon Courtney和Ting Huang (中文翻译)将和我们一起解读从2021年1月1日开始生效的变更,并讨论对整个供应链的影响。

To register your interest for this webinar, please click here:


Thursday 19th November 08.00 GMT / 16.00 China



  • Location: online only
  • Price: Free for members.
    Free for non-members.
  • Email: Anthony Mak
  • Phone: +86 (0) 769 22888020
  • Sector: PPE