SATRA Spotlight
Spotlight provides current and accurate information on legislation, technical research, product testing, due diligence and supply chain efficiency, covering a wide range of consumer product industry sectors.
Successful needle selection
Successful needle selection Size, type and condition are all important when making sure the right needle is selected for the job. The importance of sewing…
Ergonomics and the stitching operative
Ergonomics and the stitching operative Paying attention to simple principles can significantly improve stitching quality and productivity. One of the unique aspects of SATRA’s stitching-improvement…
Hearing protector testing and certification
Hearing protector testing and certification Tests to ensure that hearing protectors meet European standards. Hearing protectors – often referred to as ‘hearing defenders’ – are…
Testing motorcyclists’ clothing
Testing motorcyclists’ clothing Motorcyclists’ clothing is expected to provide physical protection. Some clothing worn by motorcyclists comes under the category of ‘fashion’ and does not…
Testing chainmail
Testing chainmail Chainmail plays an important role in shielding the wearer from possible injury. Clothing and gloves made from chainmail are used in many industries…
Standards for ski helmets
Standards for ski helmets Considering the European standards for ski helmets and the tests involved in proving such products’ fitness for purpose. Skiers and other…
Work clothing for protection against stabs and cuts
Work clothing for protection against stabs and cuts A number of occupations involve the use of hand-held knives, bringing with them a risk of accidental…
Soccer shin guards
Soccer shin guards Soccer shin guards are designed to reduce the severity of impacts and protect the wearer’s shin from abrasions and bruises. It is…
Protective gloves for welders
Protective gloves for welders Welders’ gloves are subjected to various physical, flammability and dexterity tests to help ensure safety for users’ hands. There are a…
Protecting legs from strimmers
Protecting legs from strimmers Manufacturers can CE-mark leg guards for working with strimmers after assessment against the PPE Regulation’s requirements. Using high power strimmers is…
Motorcyclists’ gloves
Motorcyclists’ gloves Safety standards for motorcyclists’ protective clothing. It is well known that riding a motorcycle involves the potential for injury due to falling off…
Laboratory accreditation for PPE and furniture producers
Laboratory accreditation for PPE and furniture producers Gain accreditation for your laboratory so that you can provide meaningful test data to potential customers. It is…
ISO 13997 cut resistance testing
ISO 13997 cut resistance testing How to ensure that cut-resistant personal protective equipment is fit for purpose. Cut-resistant fabrics are manufactured in many forms and…
Industrial kneepads
Industrial kneepads Testing to ensure that kneepads worn in industrial situations are fit-for-purpose. Kneeling can be an awkward working position. However, in some occupations keeping…
High-speed particle testing of eyewear
High-speed particle testing of eyewear There are many environments where it is important to protect the eyes and face against optical hazards or flying fragments.…
Helping retailers to understand their REACH obligations
Helping retailers to understand their REACH obligations Retailers have a legal obligation under the European chemical legislation. During the development of the European ‘Registration, Evaluation,…
Equestrian body protectors
Equestrian body protectors Body protectors are a way to lessen the threat of serious injury, but such products must meet stringent safety standards. Events such…
Determining the useful life of PPE
Determining the useful life of PPE Most test procedures and standards for PPE recognise that the protective features may deteriorate with use. It is vitally…
Cycle helmet safety
Cycle helmet safety Helmets for cyclists and skateboarders in the EU must undergo rigorous testing and EC type-examination. Owing to the nature of sports such…

Standards & Quality Watch
Keep up to date with the latest newly published and recently revised standards. Care must be taken with any draft standards as they are subject to change without notice.