SATRA Test Methods

SATRA has been providing the footwear industry with test methods for one hundred years. These methods are produced through careful research and technical application and are internationally recognised. Almost every footwear specification and international standard will contain SATRA test methods of some sort. We are continuously producing new methods, often as a result of listening to the requirements of member companies as they produce the next generation of footwear materials, components and constructions. One of the requirements of a test method is that it should not restrict design or prevent the use of innovative technology.
Test methods and standards are the key to ensuring product performance is measured accurately and consistently. Without them, testing is meaningless. SATRA uses hundreds of in-house, national, European and international test methods and standards in its work and, therefore, is well-placed to ensure you use the current and most appropriate test procedure for your product.
To see all test methods please download the SATRA Test Method Catalogue under Resources below. To contact the SATRA Test Methods team please use the ‘Ask us about Test Methods’ button. Alternatively, you can view test methods and standards for specific products and components by clicking the ‘Start testing’ button.
SATRA corporate brochure
Test Methods catalogue